Currencies & Foreign ExchangeFinance


The currency rate in Pakistan today in PKR per YEN . The live YEN to PKR converter keeps an eye on the market with the latest exchange rates to help you get the best conversion. 

YEN to PKR Converter with Live Open Market Exchange Rates. Open markets rates are updated Automatically after every few Minutes in order to provide more precise and accurate results to users.

A detailed history of Dollar to Pakistan Rupee exchange rates, the YEN to Pakistan Rupee conversion is updated live for your convenience.


What is the PKR?

This currency is commonly known as the rupees, rupaya, or rupaye. The Pakistani rupee is a unit of 100 paise, abbreviated PKR. ‘Rupee’ originates from the Sanskrit word for “silver”, rupa, which is used in many Indo-Aryan dialects.

Key Points of PKR

  • Officially, Pakistan uses the Pakistani rupee (PKR) as its currency.
  • PKR was established in 1947 after the independence of Pakistan from the British empire.
  • For several years, Pakistan’s rupee was linked to the British pound, but allowed to float freely since 1982. Its value has steadily declined over the years as the country’s economy stagnated.

Where to go for converting PKR to YEN?

It is almost always best to exchange currency at your bank or credit union.

  • Exchanging currency at a bank or credit union is always a good idea before traveling.
  • If possible, use the ATMs at your financial institution while you’re abroad.

What was max PKR to YEN?

0.72089 is the Maximum or Highest ever rate of YEN which was recorded on 12 May, 2021

YEN to USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, MXN, PKR and All other Currencies Rate

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Muhammad Talha

Muhammad Talha is a Digital marketing Expert. He is working on The Digital Islam from past two years. He is the main developer and leading of the Marketing team.

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