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30+ Best Dua Quotes

Beautiful Dua Quotes Collection with HD Images. All are available for Free and Easy one Click Download in Full HD.

Dua Quotes Images and Quotes

Ya Allah, reunite me in Jannatul Firdous with those whom I love for your sake alone.

Blessing Quotes
Dua Quotes 2021
Dua Quotes 2021

Don’t stop making any dua thinking its impossible, nothing is impossible for Allah.

Dua Quotes
dua quotes

O Allah, Light the graves of Muslims who have passed away and make life easier for those who are still alive.” Aameen

Dua Quotes
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dua quotes free download

Ya Allah raise healthy, guide and protect children of believers.

Dua Quotes
dua quotes hd images
dua quotes hd images

May Allah have mercy on the Muslim people who are dead and grant them Jannah.

Dua Quotes
latest dua quotes
latest dua quotes

Ya Allah, Please accept my service to you, accept my prayers and good deeds. I am a poor slave of you please accept my dua, forgive my all sins and allocate a place in Jannah for me.” Ameen

Dua Quotes
full hd quotes of dua
full hd quotes of dua

O Allah, grant my soul its piety and purify it, you are the best to purify it, You are its Guardian and Master.” Aameen

Dua Quotes
O Allah, grant my soul its piety and purify it, you are the best to purify it, You are its Guardian and Master.” Aameen
O Allah, grant my soul its piety and purify it, you are the best to purify it, You are its Guardian and Master.” Aameen

o Allah, remove all the evils surrounding us, today and every day. Bless us with good health, good people around us, and give us Barakah in our work and time and make us obedient servant of you.” Aameen

Dua Quotes
o Allah, remove all the evils surrounding us, today and every day. Bless us with good health, good people around us, and give us Barakah in our work and time and make us obedient servant of you.” Aameen
o Allah, remove all the evils surrounding us, today and every day. Bless us with good health, good people around us, and give us Barakah in our work and time and make us obedient servant of you.” Aameen

O Allah, Show us the truth as true, and inspire us to follow it. Show us falsehood as false and inspire us to abstain from it.

Dua Quotes
O Allah, Show us the truth as true, and inspire us to follow it. Show us falsehood as false and inspire us to abstain from it.
O Allah, Show us the truth as true, and inspire us to follow it. Show us falsehood as false and inspire us to abstain from it.

Ya, Allah, You are most merciful and forgiving. If you find me ever ungrateful, Please Forgive me.” Aameen

Dua Quotes
Ya, Allah, You are most merciful and forgiving. If you find me ever ungrateful, Please Forgive me.” Aameen
Ya, Allah, You are most merciful and forgiving. If you find me ever ungrateful, Please Forgive me.” Aameen

May Allah cleanse our hearts from hypocrisy and grant us sincerity in everything that we say and we do.” Aameen

Blessing Quotes
May Allah cleanse our hearts from hypocrisy and grant us sincerity in everything that we say and we do.” Aameen
May Allah cleanse our hearts from hypocrisy and grant us sincerity in everything that we say and we do.” Aameen

Ya Allah grant Muslim Ummah Ultimate Success – safety from the Hell-Fire and entry into Jannah

Blessing Quotes
Ya Allah grant Muslim Ummmah Ultimate Success – safety from the Hell-Fire and entry into Jannah
Ya Allah grant Muslim Ummmah Ultimate Success – safety from the Hell-Fire and entry into Jannah

Ya Allah forgive the mistakes, sins and. Shortcomings of my deceased grand parents.

Blessing Quotes
Ya Allah forgive the mistakes, sins and. Shortcomings of my deceased grand parents.
Ya Allah forgive the mistakes, sins and. Shortcomings of my deceased grand parents.

Ya Allah forgive the mistakes sins and shortcomings of my parents whom are still alive.

Prayer Quotes
Ya Allah forgive the mistakes sins and shortcomings of my parents whom are still alive.
Ya Allah forgive the mistakes sins and shortcomings of my parents whom are still alive.

Ya Allah forgive the mistakes sins and shortcomings of my parents whom are still alive.

Prayer Quotes
Ya Allah forgive the mistakes sins and shortcomings of my parents whom are still alive.
Ya Allah forgive the mistakes sins and shortcomings of my parents whom are still alive.

O Allah, Provide us with a way out from every difficulty and grant us relief from every worry.” Aameen

Dua Quotes
O Allah, Provide us with a way out from every difficulty and grant us relief from every worry.” Aameen
O Allah, Provide us with a way out from every difficulty and grant us relief from every worry.” Aameen

Ya Allah make me and my family a practicing Muslim and forgive our sins.

Dua Quotes
Ya Allah make me and my family a practicing Muslim and forgive our sins.
Ya Allah make me and my family a practicing Muslim and forgive our sins.

O Allah, Make us amongst the people of Jannah.” Aameen

Dua Quotes
O Allah, Make us amongst the people of Jannah.” Aameen
O Allah, Make us amongst the people of Jannah.” Aameen

May Allah bless our parents with good health, protection and righteous long life and allocate a place for them in Jannah.” Aameen

Blessing Quotes
May Allah bless our parents with good health, protection and righteous long life and allocate a place for them in Jannah.” Aameen
May Allah bless our parents with good health, protection and righteous long life and allocate a place for them in Jannah.” Aameen

May Allah bless our parents with good health, protection and righteous long life and allocate a place for them in Jannah.” Aameen

Blessing Quotes
May Allah bless our parents with good health, protection and righteous long life and allocate a place for them in Jannah.” Aameen
May Allah bless our parents with good health, protection and righteous long life and allocate a place for them in Jannah.” Aameen

May Allah help us & our family and whole Muslim Ummah from all the difficulties on the Day of resurrection to attain a place in Jannah.” Aameen

Blessing Quotes
May Allah help us & our family and whole Muslim Ummah from all the difficulties on the Day of resurrection to attain a place in Jannah.” Aameen
May Allah help us & our family and whole Muslim Ummah from all the difficulties on the Day of resurrection to attain a place in Jannah.” Aameen

Ya Allah, Grant me a blessed death. Let me recite the shahada before I die. Grant me the intercession of Prophet Mohammed (peace be Upon Him) at the Day of Judgment.”

Blessing Quotes
Ya Allah, Grant me a blessed death. Let me recite the shahada before I die. Grant me the intercession of Prophet Mohammed (peace be Upon Him) at the Day of Judgment.”
Ya Allah, Grant me a blessed death. Let me recite the shahada before I die. Grant me the intercession of Prophet Mohammed (peace be Upon Him) at the Day of Judgment.”

Ya Allah, Please forgive Muslim ummah, make our trials easy on us, Grant us strong imaan and patience and please allocate a place for us in jannah.” Aameen

Blessing Quotes
Ya Allah, Please forgive Muslim ummah, make our trials easy on us, Grant us strong imaan and patience and please allocate a place for us in jannah.” Aameen
Ya Allah, Please forgive Muslim ummah, make our trials easy on us, Grant us strong imaan and patience and please allocate a place for us in jannah.” Aameen

May Allah take away our pain, problems and worries and replace them with health, happiness and love.” Aameen

Blessing Quotes
May Allah take away our pain, problems and worries and replace them with health, happiness and love.” Aameen
May Allah take away our pain, problems and worries and replace them with health, happiness and love.” Aameen

O Allah, Please show me the true reality of all things as they really are.” Aameen

Blessing Quotes
O Allah, Please show me the true reality of all things as they really are.” Aameen
O Allah, Please show me the true reality of all things as they really are.” Aameen

Ya Allah, Change our sadness to happiness and forgive our sins.” Aamin ya rabbal alamin !!!

Blessing Quotes
Ya Allah, Change our sadness to happiness and forgive our sins.” Aamin ya rabbal alamin !!!
Ya Allah, Change our sadness to happiness and forgive our sins.” Aamin ya rabbal alamin !!!
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Muhammad Talha

Muhammad Talha is a Digital marketing Expert. He is working on The Digital Islam from past two years. He is the main developer and leading of the Marketing team.

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